Friday 8 May 2020

Reflection from my Webinar Session today - Small Stories, Big Messages!

Small Stories, Big Messages! 

Here is a small story that I read out to teachers today in my Webinar session with them. Everyone should definitely give it a read - 

At the point where Christina says out the proxy attendance for her friend Sangitha and when Ms. Sudha finds out that the attendance has been said by someone else, I asked my teachers - "What would have been your reaction towards Christina if you were at Ms. Sudha's place?" All of them thought for a little while and most of them replied back saying that they would not really appreciate it and that giving a proxy attendance is not the right thing to do! I heard their perspectives and then read further. 

When they found out that Ms. Sudha actually just did not say anything to Christina and asked her to sit back again in the classroom, they all got the important message themselves - 
"Education is a combination of many things. And that it can never be imparted without faith, forgiveness, and second chances."

Such a bold and a powerful message this is! I further asked the teachers if they could relate this message with their own classroom experiences. And so they started thinking about children who deserve more from them! All children deserve a lot from us - that is what I am deriving for myself from the story! 

I will be reading out more such short stories in the upcoming webinars! You can also join me and inspire all of us at 'Fridays with Raman'!