Friday, 3 July 2020

Acknowledgement is a sign of Compassion

Acknowledgement is a sign of Compassion

There is something that keeps bothering me in general. I thought of writing about it today and sharing something really heart-felt. This article is not meant to point anyone or anybody’s traits - a lot of times it is hard to comprehend and understand the situation of others, and so this article is just a perspective on something that I personally feel is very important and crucial - especially in times like these when everything seems uncertain! 

All of us these days are so tied up - with so much - trying to manage our lives at different layers, learning to live it in a way which is completely different from what it looked like a few months back. In this life, I think one should not forget to acknowledge

Acknowledgement looks like a hard thing to do, since we all have such busy lives. But sometimes, I think what we forget is the fact that others are busy too and yet they are taking out the time to reach out to us, or talk to us or send us an email or just staying in touch with us - all of that needs an acknowledgement. It is a sign that you care for someone’s attempt of staying in touch with you. Your acknowledgement is a sign that you feel the same way the others are feeling, it is a sign that the person’s attempt to stay in touch with you in these uncertain times is special and is appreciated. An acknowledgement means so much more! It is a small thing but is a sign of compassion, a sign of the basic belief that all of us are in this together and that something will come out of it. One definitely should attempt to - 

Acknowledge the little efforts,
Acknowledge someone’s email by responding back to it,
Acknowledge someone’s message by responding back it,
Acknowledge a situation by observing it, 
Acknowledge the good or even the bad, 
Acknowledge the happiness or the sadness by letting yourself out, 
Acknowledge a lot more! 

It is not necessary to always respond right at that moment. It is not always necessary to acknowledge with details. When you are busy, write it and say that you will get back, explain yourself a little so the other person does not feel left out. When you cannot get back, say that too. It is not always necessary to reply positively, or reply with what the person wants. But do acknowledge. Say that the perspective/thought/the talk is heard. Listening to someone requires courage too. When you are missing that courage, say that too! It is then, when people truly understand. It is then, when people do not feel left out.

Of all things happening, one does not want to feel left. That is the worst feeling to give someone. 

So, please acknowledge! It is a sign of compassion! :)