Thursday 15 May 2014

Time to move on!?!?! 

Teach For India Fellowship over! While I sit back at home, thinking about the days ahead, I get this super relaxed feeling and a little worried feeling! Relaxed because I think I have done my bit (sort of, and that's something not good, I shouldn't be thinking like this) and worried because I feel I left my kids midway, especially the boys since their admissions are yet to be sorted. 

So, I am actually stuck up somewhere in between, still hoping to get back to these kids on 1st July and handing the baton properly to the new Fellows who will teach them. 

Thinking about these two years, I gave my best to them, tried everything possible. But there are questions which still need an answer!

In the quest for finding these answers, I still want to be working for children's education. I am so used to making lesson plans, working with the community, parents, students. I am so used to this schedule. Leaving at morning 6:30 and coming back by evening 6:30. Summer Break. Teachers' Training. Venting out. I can do it for my entire life probably.

Waiting to get started soon! :)

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