Sunday 15 February 2015

Hello World! 

Yeah, the title itself would make the readers curious (if at all there are any :P, and it at all they are interested to know about my life :P). There are a lot of things that are going on in my mind/life, and all those indicate how much detached I have been with the rest of world! So, just an attempt to signal to all those out there that I am alive and in working condition! :) 

- There is a TV in the flat where I stay, the TV has not been switched on since December now! And I guess in December also I hardly watched it. 
- I have not read any newspaper since ......... (I do not even remember the last time I read the newspaper, probably it was 1st Jan, 2015 when I had to read the horoscope :P) 
- Cheers to my staying alone for over 5 months now (this is literally a no man's land after 7 PM in the evening). Thanks to the gym that I have joined, I get to meet some people atleast :D .
- Elections @ Delhi - Could not vote this time, so did not follow anything that was happening on this front, except for the final conclusion which truly left me surprised! :) 
- Family - Thank God, papa is coming here tomorrow, so I get to spend some time with him and get to know about what's happening in Delhi generally, apart from the normal stuff at home! 
- Connect with friends - I am now contained in a small shell which has some people inside of it, so I am not that high socially (and probably (not sure about this though) have reached a stage where I am not craving to have a lot of people in my life - don't know if this is a good sign or not). 

What I think of the entire day? 
- Its about work, totally! I talked to P yesterday after a long time, and she made me realize how much I talk about just work (well that was always there, but she never realized that, since we do not connect that often). 

So, that's about it! :) I need to get ready for a super long day ahead! 

Hello World! 

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