Monday 5 June 2017

Statement of Purpose - Why am I doing what I am doing?

It was interesting to reflect on the Statement of Purpose today. The purpose - why I am doing, what I am doing. It was a part of the training session today - where everyone was made to think about this and something which stood out for me.

When I started thinking about it, HONESTLY, I was not getting a real answer. I do have a huge poster in my office which reads - PURPOSE - KIDS - surrounded by memories of kids from TFI and from my time spent training teachers in Himachal, (Gujarat is still missing here and the memories which will be created now, here, are not there - will keep adding them as the time passes).

Today while thinking about it, yes the kids definitely came to my mind - but only for an instant, What came was this -

"For the dearth of an entity called _______ <something is missing>"

And then I wrote there - "think about it!" 

I do not know suddenly why kids did not come as THE answer today - which makes me think about yet another thing - "Does this SoP keep changing, as one progresses in life?" Probably, YES! (and btw this poster thing is just a week old exercise, I did in school - just with myself!) 

Reflecting more about the SoP now, I think why I am doing what I am doing is for finding what this "missing" piece is. I have not been able to find it out, till date. And probably that is the reason that I am mostly restless.

And while this quest for finding that "something" continues, here is to a new beginning -

 And to this -
<in the perfect weather lying down in the garden right outside school - looking at the sky and simultaneously thinking about work!>

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