Saturday, 13 October 2018


It's been a long time again since I wrote last. I generally write when I am filled with different kinds of emotions. This is for the first time or after a while (that I cannot remember last when) that I am writing when I have no idea about how I feel.

Life has become quite hectic. It just is moving..moving with a pace that I do not really understand. Sometimes, I feel its just how headless chickens move..they just have to! And so am I - just moving without a direction! Sometimes I feel its pretty structured - managing different things and different aspects of life. For the first time ever, I have to think about the 'so-called' "Work Life Balance".

In the midst of all the structured and/or the unstructured life that I have - I am still finding myself. Sometimes its while I am driving, sometimes its in historical monuments, sometimes in books, sometimes in cafes I used to go back in TFI, sometimes in pictures from friends of the places and things I have treasured, and sometimes by just being LOST in this very world!

I have a huge weakness - my past tends to become a very significant present in my life! But I guess, something you are really true to, hardly ever leaves you!

And with this spirit, let me sign off by writing here a very small poem I recently wrote -

My life as I see it,
Is sometimes sweet,
As sweet as a rhythmic beat,
That sounds pleasing and complete!

My life as I see it,
Is sometimes bitter,
As bitter as a cycle squeak,
That causes jitters!

My life as I see it,
Is sometimes sour,
Sour like the sound of a loud horn,
That goes on and on and on!

My Life as I see it,
has all the flavors,
It depends on me,
Which one do I treasure!

For all days do have a night,
Darkness has its light,
There is nothing that cannot unfold,
we just need to be bold,
And celebrate each day
Before the time slips away! 

Raman Bahl
13th October, 2018