Tuesday 1 January 2019

2019 begins!

The last year brought in so much - so much so that a blog post cannot even do justice to what I experienced. Probably, I would need a mountain peak/sea beach, a peg or two of whiskey, and someone who I feel comfortable sharing with. And then I am sure the emotions, the experiences, and everything and anything will come out. Haha! 

The year started off with something really unusual. I came back home really late, last night. And then left home really early to go for work. YES! Believe or not - but I was officially working today - on 1st January, 2019. I definitely randomly have worked from home in the years gone on the first day of the year, but never have been to an official training workshop and today I was in one. And whhaatt a dayy it has been!! 

For the first time ever, I danced on a Haryanvi song - 'yaar tera Chetak chala re, tennu chaska Red Farari da' ! I never would have dared to dance or even listen to this song, had it not been in this training today! Had an amazing feeling when teachers especially invited me to dance with them! :)

Last 2 weeks of 2018 have been satisfactory in many ways. I finally was able to finish a chunk of my work - things which were pending since a really long time. Then on 29th - literally being up for the entire night, just so I could enjoy the 30th and 31st. Then the first time snow experience, and so much more - the conversations with a few people, the 'closure' with some, the call of someone who reminded me of early 2018, and then the feeling that no one in this world (except your family) can ever match your expectations, and that all you need to do is to find peace and happiness within yourself. 

And just when I wanted even more satisfaction, I am writing today just so I feel complete, within from all aspects. I need to find happiness within me, coz I know it is there, somewhere. 

I can feel good by doing so much more than what I have been doing so far. I can feel good by living a life in the present - also even thinking about the future a little. I can feel good by just letting things be the way they are. I can feel good by just being 'myself'. And that is what I am going to 'try' doing this year. 'Try' - because I do not know how will this look like! But all I know at this point of time is that it is going to be worth it! 

Bring it on 2019! :) 

And just before I close, here is a quick memory of today - 

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