To Madan and more!
~To Life~
I recently visited OELP - Organization for Early Literacy Promotion, in Rajasthan! It was a learning trip that I did with my colleagues from TAP India. Those of you who I have met in person, or spoken randomly post this trip - you all know how fantastic an experience it was! Right from the peaceful environment we were in, to the food we ate, to the classrooms we saw, to everything and anything that was a part of the trip - I must say that I truly am blessed that I got the chance to be there!
The trip got me to reflect so much - think and experience inclusion from a different angle. I even suggested KD to get his team here (only if he takes my suggestions seriously - although I meant for him to make the trip with me first, but anyway! - he is a different story, altogether!) The trip got me to see teachers from a completely different lens! The trip got me to experience the saying - "It takes one entire village to raise a child!" The trip got me to experience what working on ground is like, what knowing each child in actual sense means, what caring for all children actually mean, and so much more! And I got to experience a live classroom teaching by this wonderful soul - Madan!
Madan is 12th pass, and is from the same community as the children in his classroom. He studied in one of the night schools of his village and according to him - he is one of those rare persons from his village who have studied until the 12th grade. The classroom upon entry, gave me a very normal feeling - of course it was aptly print rich, not overdone at all, with a dari for the children to sit! But what followed next inside the classroom, was something that left me awestruck!
Madan started with a circle time, the students greeted each other, energizers were done, calendar was discussed - and with the calendar it seemed that he covered a lot of other Math concepts. Then he did a read aloud session, with all children completely captivated in the story - feeling sad when something wrong had happened, feeling genuinely happy when something good had happened in the story. He let his children lie down in the class, they spoke anything that their heart wanted to say, they participated in every small activity that Madan had planned for them and they took tremendous pride in showing us that they could read - any book that they were given! :) I saw such joy on their faces!
I generally have a lot to say when I observe classes like this - but seeing this class, I literally just wanted to be silent and just embrace the moment - how seamlessly he transitioned from one concept to the next, how seamlessly he just happened to have done and discussed so much with the children in the class - it seemed like a perfect place to meditate for me!
After finishing the class, Madan walks confidently towards us and asks for a feedback. I literally did not want to write anything in his feedback notebook - I just wished him all the very best for his journey in the sector and for making things so easy for his children!
On my way back from the school to the place where we were staying, I just thought of one thing - I want to feel the same sense of satisfaction as probably Madan would be feeling post the end of his class with his kids! It is so important to feel this accomplished everyday in the sector we are working in! It's like saying everyday to yourself towards the end of the day - "Today, I left no stone untouched/unturned to make things possible for my children I work with!"
I think all organizations working in this sector should be able to say this everyday! And that's when we will be able to achieve something for our kids in the society!
I so wanted to write about Madan ever since I came back from OELP. I had shared my reflections and notes with a few people earlier, but I waited to find the right time to write about him - so I could write my exact feelings!
The second part of my blog is about my sickness - since last 4 to 5 days, and I know the exact reason why! Just waiting for the mid next month to come asap! And meanwhile, let me traverse this road, confidently! :)
To Life!
To Realizations!
To More!
And to kids!
Me engrossed in a story telling session with the kids in the community! |