Wednesday 24 April 2019

Appreciating the small things in life! :)

Here's to the small moments! 

It is very important to appreciate small moments around yourself! I am liking the new me - have lost considerable amount of weight, my self-discipline with my new habit - everyday 3 kilometers walk (and it has been more than a month now!), and self-control on a few things I have been badly wanting to do (which includes blasting someone with my anger :X)! And I have been sick as well since last few days (I think that is because of the anger) - not liking this though! 

It is only when you start appreciating these small moments, you really start living your life more happily! So here goes mine!

I was on my way back from office in the metro, when something caught my attention - 

Yes, this was how the sky looked like, sometime last week! And the data said that this was one of the cleanest days in Delhi - air wise! I had a big smile looking at the delightful sky and its glory! And that very moment, I said to myself - 

Dear Sky, love you to the moon and back! 😊😊

I spent my last Saturday, with a friend from Barefoot College, Tilonia! I picked him up from the airport, took him home, got him to meet my family and then we both set out to roam around Delhi! Accompanied him to Hauz Khas Fort, then Deer park, then India Gate, saw the War Memorial there, then CP where we went to Oxford Book Store and Nando's! 

The thing which moved me the most that day was the time I spent at the War memorial. I saw a lady whose husband had lost his life fighting for the country. She had come to pay her tribute to all the soldiers - and I just could not get away with thinking about the emotions she must be going through - thinking about her husband who had lost his life too! Could not even imagine how it would have been for her! And she stood there upright, confident! *Speechless* Hats off! 

Then I met another friend - who is becoming a TFI Fellow now. Wished him all the very best for his journey ahead!

And this is what we had together -


To life! To the small moments! :)