Tuesday, 26 February 2019

What does setting of the sun mean for me?

I have a connection with the sun, in multiple ways:-
1. My father's name means 'The Sun'. 
2. I am a morning person - all rising days will have no meaning without the sun! 
3. I associate its rising and setting with everything 'life-like'! 

What does setting of the sun mean for me? 

So today while entering the metro station to head back home, the beauty of the setting sun caught my attention. 
Somewhere deep inside, I started feeling a bit sad as once its settled, everything would turn dark. The beauty of the sky, the feeling of being alive, the activities of everyone during the day-time - be it us humans, or animals, or birds, or any other living creature on this earth - all of those will slow down, comparatively. And I honestly have great apprehensions in being slow. I like being fast - very fast. And there are evidences from my daily life that would prove the same. The slowness sometimes kills me. And takes me on a guilt ride. Don't know from where this has come in - but it is there! 
And then I felt sad as night signifies darkness too. And I do not like being in the dark - unless I am lying on the floor and gazing at the shining stars (and for that, I for sure will have to live somewhere else and not in Delhi :P). But darkness makes me creepy and somewhere I do not really relate to darkness. 
The gloomy feeling was just settling in, but suddenly the thoughts inside my head started changing. I looked at the sun one more time and noticed the orange, glorifying, bright sparkle it showed even when it was setting down. And that very moment I thought to myself - even when it is setting and would be leaving behind the dark night sky, yet it is so proud, so powerful and so satisfied with all that it has done in the day! 

It is setting in like it has no regrets, whatsoever. It is setting in, like even after setting, it will still have a life. It is settling like someone who has sacrificed so much for others and yet is happy and content. It is setting in, leaving a mark. It is setting in, to come back again - with a life full of promises. It is setting in for a tough day yet again! 

In this life, I surely want to set like the sun! Yes, that is what I want! Its difficult though! As to shine like the sun, I will have to burn like one! 

Difficult, Very difficult! 

#Love you Sun! 

# Thank you! 

Some more pictures from today!
The rain and the sun! :)

Monday, 4 February 2019

Like water, can humans too become a 'universal solvent'?

The thought occurred in my mind when I saw this fountain right outside Humayun's Tomb, the other day.

For a minute, I thought, the water flowing through this fountain, spoke for itself - 'you put me where-ever and how-so-ever, I will surely adapt there'! There is so much power in the water that we see around us - the kind of power that one cannot even imagine. I wonder sometimes - if water would have been a living being, would it still be so adjusting and flexible? 

Now its time for me to throw some light on the subject on which I started writing this post. I thought about it, from different angles and tried relating it to one's life and even my life for that matter. I will try sharing those perspectives here and map them with the normal perceptions of human beings. 

Perspective # 1 - Take in everything, dissolve everything, accept everything

For a human being - Let's take in all the good, but the bad? Eh? 

Perspective # 2 - I am just so indispensable! 

For a human being - Should I become indispensable for anyone? Is this even possible? 

Perspective # 3 - Should I really take in everything I come across? 

From a human being's perspective - Even the shit? Not at all! 

Perspective # 4 - What about the exploitation? 

From a human being's perspective - Adapting in all situations = Getting yourself exploited! 

While it will be worthwhile to live a 'life' like the water on this earth (considering the fact that water does not have the 'life-like' elements to be even affected because of its exploitation), but humans possibly cannot ever be universal solvents. They are just meant to take in what they want, what they desire and have a permanent access to a 'universal filter' that makes them see things the way they want, that makes them do what they want, and that makes them control every other thing around them! Too much restriction, I must say - being a human! 

Got to live life! 

#Only if water could speak! 😵

Friday, 1 February 2019

#Love Delhi - Place 3 - Humayun's Tomb!

The day today for me at office ended really early - I was not in the office actually. I had a few meetings in South Delhi and by 3 PM I was all set. I had almost entered the metro station to come back home when I realized that I can actually detour a bit and see the Humayun's Tomb. Having lived in Delhi for so long, and this also being my hometown, I had never been here before! YES - that's true! But today, I finally saw it and am finding myself at peace post it!

I will not describe what I saw - for I think everyone would either know those facts, or if they don't -they can easily manage a google and find out OR visit themselves some day. I would instead describe the activities I did and the feelings I had post experiencing the different things that I did. 

Dilapidated Structure - on the path to the Humayun's Tomb

After having seen Isa Khan's Tomb and the mosque, I went to this dilapidated structure (it does not have a name and I am not quite sure about what it is - pic above). I could not see anyone around here - and since I love silence and isolation, I probably would have been the first one (today) to have thought about going there and seeing what it is. The structure has a staircase which directly leads one to its top and guess what - YES - that is what I did. I climbed up the staircase and it took me to a decent height - a height which made me feel good, watching nature from that angle and then others from a distance watching me and following my footsteps :P LOL. Yaaa - after 5 to 10 minutes, I saw a group of people wanting to climb up this staircase and then experiencing this height! <TOO MUCH DELHI CROWD 😝 > 

I drifted myself away from the people as soon as I saw there were more coming, and soon went to a place with very less people again. I walked until I found myself at the back side of a tomb which had graves of the 'Afsarwala - Officer people'. And there the sight that caught my attention was this - 

The parrots and the squirrel!

The squirrel wanted to go to its home-hole and the parrots had blocked its way. I stood for around 5 minutes here, and from 1 parrot, I was able to spot good 5 of them - all making parrot sounds and inviting me towards them to stay for a longer time :) 

Post seeing the Humayun's tomb, something else caught my attention - 

The sky

The tree
I sat under the tree (pic above) for good 30 minutes and guess what did I do in those 30 minutes - I wrote my diary :) - YES! And the things I was trying to write, were the things I have been thinking about for so long now. 

What kind of a person should one be?

There have been this thought that has been striking my mind since a really long time - what kind of a person should you be? Any kind you choose to be, has certain pros and cons. Like for example, if you are too generous, then probably people end up taking too much advantage of you. If you are too self-involved, then people do not really want to talk to you. When you express your liking for someone, then that person starts finding ways to not like you back. The thought is really deep - and this has been running ever since I started working with my friend KD. I have been forced to think about situations like these, as I feel too trapped in the way emotions are wired in my brain and in my heart. 
After making a mind map of what all is there and my understanding, I finally arrived at a conclusion that from now I will be an unaffected, generous on demand, focused and a carefree person. The best justice that I can do to myself at this point of time, is by giving time to ME and the people who are always going to be with me, irrespective. 

Don't know how much of this will remain with me, but at least, this time I am going to try. Its worth giving a shot! 

Until then - 


#Love Delhi!