Monday 4 February 2019

Like water, can humans too become a 'universal solvent'?

The thought occurred in my mind when I saw this fountain right outside Humayun's Tomb, the other day.

For a minute, I thought, the water flowing through this fountain, spoke for itself - 'you put me where-ever and how-so-ever, I will surely adapt there'! There is so much power in the water that we see around us - the kind of power that one cannot even imagine. I wonder sometimes - if water would have been a living being, would it still be so adjusting and flexible? 

Now its time for me to throw some light on the subject on which I started writing this post. I thought about it, from different angles and tried relating it to one's life and even my life for that matter. I will try sharing those perspectives here and map them with the normal perceptions of human beings. 

Perspective # 1 - Take in everything, dissolve everything, accept everything

For a human being - Let's take in all the good, but the bad? Eh? 

Perspective # 2 - I am just so indispensable! 

For a human being - Should I become indispensable for anyone? Is this even possible? 

Perspective # 3 - Should I really take in everything I come across? 

From a human being's perspective - Even the shit? Not at all! 

Perspective # 4 - What about the exploitation? 

From a human being's perspective - Adapting in all situations = Getting yourself exploited! 

While it will be worthwhile to live a 'life' like the water on this earth (considering the fact that water does not have the 'life-like' elements to be even affected because of its exploitation), but humans possibly cannot ever be universal solvents. They are just meant to take in what they want, what they desire and have a permanent access to a 'universal filter' that makes them see things the way they want, that makes them do what they want, and that makes them control every other thing around them! Too much restriction, I must say - being a human! 

Got to live life! 

#Only if water could speak! 😵


  1. Thought provoking article😊

  2. Thank you! :) Do share your perspective too! will be happy to be at the receiving end there!
