Friday 14 June 2013

I want to __________. I don't want to _____

I have never done this to myself. What are those things that I really want? So, I thought of making an attempt today! And here it goes (this is not in the order of preference) :-

1) I want to make books as my best friends. Books of any kind. I want to read whatever, everything, everywhere. Be passionate about reading anything that I come across and not be selective in this regard. 

2) I want to travel the world. Yes, I want to explore places. Know more about the places that are around me or I have dreamt of. I can do this alone as well. The idea of me sitting alone at a place, reading a book, enjoying the view and having chai, totally pleases me! 

3) I want to eat. Lots of things. At lots of places. Try the same things at different places. 

4) I want to join a gym. This has been on my mind since quite a long time now. I want to look fit. A little sexy. :P I do not know why my family people keep showing me the darker side of this. I have to do this. For sometime atleast. And see myself after sometime. How I look! :P 

5) I want to excel in whatever I do. Be it anything. Work. Play. Anything. Everything. 

6) I want people to know me. Know me for the work that I do. Know me for what I am. 

7) I want to write a book. May be an autobiography. Or something else. Have not decided. But yeah, I really want to do it. 

8) I want to have a sound general knowledge. God, I am really poor at it, since I do not read newspaper. Have to start reading it. I want to have strong vocabulary as well. 

9) I want to date someone for more than 4 years. And then get married. :P haha :D

And now comes the next part:-

1) I do not want to have many friends. I have to stop longing for people (other than those at home). Its of no use at all. People just have their own purposes to be with you. Once done, you are done from their lives. 

2) I do not want to die of any disease. If it happens peacefully, I am fine with it.

[This list is short! :P Can't think of anything! :D]

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