Tuesday 25 June 2013

Unit Planning o_O ! 

This is one thing that scares me out! :O Though I have planned 5 units till now, but still I find this job so tough !  First, you have to decide the story/book that you will do, then you look out or think about the ways you can tie Speaking/Listening, Writing and other things to that one story/book. Uff, such a tedious job this is! And right now my head is spinning like hell. 

And the day is just about to end, and till now I have not decided the book that I will do. May be Aladdin this time. The unit is short, so I do not want to do heavy books this Unit. Will take up simple stories and review as much as possible with the kids. 

Enough of Unit Planning. Just waiting to execute the plans in my head. 

5 days and school gets started! 

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