Monday 29 April 2013

Have nothing to write, but still! :P 

Yeah, there are days when you just do not want to do anything! I want to do something, yet not wishing to do anything. So, here I am writing a blog! :D 

I had a "superb bad" day in class today. I do not understand why Mondays are like that. I cannot recall even a single Monday which went well in class. Why? Am I not planned well? No, I am! Do I feel like working on a Monday? No, probably not! And may be the same thing even my kids also feel. So, today I thought I will keep it light for the kids. And I did. They said they did not want an extra class during the lunch break and I agreed, thinking they will have a tough time in school today. I wish I could make Mondays even more lighter and funny for the kids so that my kids are all refreshed for the entire week. 

I got my Math class videotaped today. And seriously, I look very funny when I teach! I seriously need to work upon certain gestures of mine when I am teaching. Have thought of certain things, let me see how much I implement them. 

At times, I think what my kids need is a total break from me. Thanks to the summer break that's just approaching! They will get a total break from me, the schedule and everything. But somehow I feel bad when I think that my kids need break from me. I keep thinking about them and want them to do the same. I do not know what they will be doing right now back in their houses. Are they studying right now? Sleeping? Roaming around? Or what? What percentage of the day do they think about me? 

I do not know how much I will be able to do for them this year. No matter what, I want them to remember me for the rest of their lives. If I get to meet them after some years, I want them to tell everything about them with a pride. I do want them to do what their parents are doing. I want them to have a better living. A better future! A better life! I want them to have clear, broad minds, respect for every individual, respect for themselves and above all, a faith in themselves that they can do something in life, can fight all challenges, and live a life full of happiness! <3

That's it! 

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