Wednesday 31 July 2013

Me on being so forgetful!

The forgetfulness is getting onto my nerves! 

I am just so sick of the forgetfulness in me these days. Its just getting worse everyday. It actually started up from leaving those assessments bag in an auto and now so many days after that, I forget atleast one thing per day. 

I forget things kids say to me, I forget conversations, I am lost most of the times, while I am talking to people I start thinking about something else. And mostly the thoughts are my kids and classroom. 

This week I had some people visiting my class. Because I was overloaded with a lot of admin work, I forgot to inform the Principal about the visitors and I ended up telling the visitors not to come for the observation. 

All I need right now is reducing the stress level. I need to breathe. I need to exercise. But when? I come back at 6 or 7 PM everyday and then I plan for the next day. When on earth will I find the time for exercising? Uff! 

I am eating way too much. After this one year, I am sure I will become one hippo! Oh no! 


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