Wednesday 3 July 2013

Today has been one insane day! Felt pushed, happy but now really exhausted!

One Insane day! 

Today has been one insane day, totally man! Woke up at 5: 30, first of all, late than my usual time, which messed me up early in the morning.  I had some work for the morning today, but I could not do it. So, had totally lost it. Somehow, started feeling normal, so got ready, went to the school, and there I saw, waiting for me, AJITTTTTT, and I was just like "Okaaayy, wow!! This kid is back!" I have mentioned about this kid of mine in one of my posts...and I was so excited to see him in school. Such pleasure it was, to see him! Made my day. 

This pushed me so much that I was really very energetic throughout the day. I was so happy to be in class. Teach my kids. Though execution was not up to the mark, but okay..tomorrow for sure! And then when the school ended, I went to meet people in the community, met parents. Had to meet some really urgently today, so could not cancel it. 

And then post that, had to go to one friend's place. Had to work with her. It was 7:30 by the time I reached back home. Then had to plan. I don't know why I took more than the normal time in planning today. And then so many small really important things struck my mind as I finished planning. BOY information. Making Final Session Plan. Kids' Hindi. S.ST. EVS. Volunteers plan of action. Presentation. Teachers' Survey. So on and so forth. I have now finally made a list of tasks that needs to be completed. And since I really wanted to vent all this, so this blogpost. Uff. And right now also, my mind is not relaxed, but is still working. Thinking about loads of stuff. 

But this is one phase of life that I had waited for. So,  I am loving it. At least, my mind is not thinking about useless issues! :P But I need to make a proper schedule, like really! 

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