Friday 17 May 2013

Routine these days! 

I would like to write my routine that I am following these days. Not because it is something that requires publishing but because I want to realize myself what I do. 

I get up at around 5:30 AM (yeah, that is my habit! :P). Then by 6:30 I would get ready, then go for driving practice. Then when I come back, I eat breakfast. By 8, I would be just sitting idle after finishing breakfast.  And on rare occasions like these, I would write (blog/diary/anything else) or read something (if the book that I am reading is interesting enough :P). If I am not doing any of this, then I would go back to sleep. Sleep till 11 AM. Yes, I like sleeping when I am at home. Then till 12 I would just start cribbing. Cribbing for some stupid reasons. Like: Shit I do not have anything to do! What to do now? I do not feel like doing anything! Why the hell I am at home today? I should have gone out. Done something. Then I would start blaming myself for reasons like I do not have any other interests apart from my work. I do not have a big goal for myself. I am just good for nothing. 

Then by 12 PM or so, I would take out my laptop. Today its not yet 12. But since I have nothing to do, so this blogpost! :D Then I would check my emails. Ha! As if I am the busiest persons on this earth and get lot of emails. And simultaneously I would check my notifications on fb. As if I am a celebrity and get lots of notifications or I am very popular in my peer group that they all keep tagging me, or keep posting me on fb. None of these. Then also I do not know why I keep checking emails and notifications on fb. There should be a fixed time for this. 

By the time I finish doing all this, mom would call me for lunch. I finish eating in less than 10 minutes. And then I feel that I should do something productive and that I have wasted time since morning. And then suddenly, this would come up: "Ohh!! I am so tired now and should sleep for sometime, I am not fresh enough to do anything right now!" And then I will again go back to sleep. Sleep till 5 PM easily. 

Now again after getting up, I would crib. Crib for various reasons. By this time, my mom realizes that I have not been feeling very comfortable since morning. And then she would talk to me. Give me various suggestions. And then I would show my discomfort to her. That's all I do. 

Then, may be I would go for a walk. But before this, I would think twice, thrice about many questions. Like: I do not have a friend nearby with whom I can walk. What will I do? I do not need a work out. And similar things. Somehow, I prepare my mind to move out. And I would take my phone with me. So I call people. Talk to them. Share my problems with them (problems that are not exactly problems when I am working or when I am busy, but when I have a lot of free time to think!) 

And then the dinner. Which I would again eat in less than 10 minutes. May be I would watch TV when I am eating. And I do not like watching TV! I hate it! After this, I would again check emails and notifications. At this time I would feel that I have not chatted on fb today. I would chat for may be 10 minutes with somebody whom I have not spoken to for a long time. And I may/may not get a reply from that person's side. I would wait for sometime. And then I would finally sign out. Shut my laptop. Pick a book. And lie down. I would read for an hour (at max) and then would sleep!!!!! 

So, this is the schedule these days. Any suggestions for me please! I so want to change it. Make my free time busy in way that I do not feel that I am free! Pleeeeeaaassssee! 

Visitors of my blog! I need your comments here! 

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