Thursday 2 May 2013

An Ode to Mc.Donalds! :D I am lovin it! :P 

This is my favourite eating place. No matter how much I have eaten in a day, I will never say no to this place. I do not know but there is something here. There is something about this place that I just cannot avoid! The aroma, the atmosphere, the burgers, ice-creams....ummm..just too much!! And I have that eagle eye when it comes to this place : I can see that big, yellow "M" from really far!! Yes, I am a Mc.D fanatic (:P, do not know whether fanatic is the correct word to use here :P) 

So, once I remember I was really off. So exhausted. Could not do anything. Did not wish to do anything. I was just so low. Something happened back in college. Suddenly my brother came, and saw me depressed, and said in a loud voice, "lets go to Mc. D!" And I got up that very instant, changed clothes and in no time was ready to go there. I was fond of that 20 bucks Mc. Aloo Ticki that time. One burger, a coke and then that chocolate coated vanilla ice cream on a cone!! Too much for me to be satisfied and be happy! 

Being in TFI, this place has become an integral part of my life! hahaha :D After all the blah blah blah in school, all the failures and successes in classroom, all happiness and depression, I have visited this place very often. I am lucky to have this so close to my school. Every Fridays or Saturdays, I would be here with my co-fellow. We would discuss our lives, problems in classrooms, and sometimes just not talk, but eat, fill our stomachs with all the things we get here. :D (I know I am sounding like one crazy man. :P) 

I also remember, last year, when winter break was just approaching, I was craving to get here. My co-fellow had left for her home town a day before. So, I had no company at all. Now if somebody knows me well, can easily guess what I did! :P I went to Mc. D's alone!!!!! :D And enjoyed the meal of 2 people! :D 

Its Thursday today. I could not wait for Saturday to come this time! So here I was:---->>>> 

Okay, enough!! No more Mc. D for a week! :D :D See you next Friday/Saturday!! :D 
Tadaa :D 

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