Saturday 25 May 2013

The obsession is not right, but I can't help it! 

I have suddenly developed this huge obsession for one of my friends. And I know that it is not good, but still I am not able to come out of it. What to do? Neither I can ignore, nor I can be too much obsessed with that friend of mine.

I am not feeling good today. And the entire blame has to go on too much dependence of mine on others. Knowing the fact, that this obsession is not going to help anyway, still I became obsessed with that friend. And also, I am very well aware that obsession is not good if you are expecting that friendship to last forever.   In spite of the awareness, I got obsessed. And this is not happening for the first time. Wow, Raman!  You're just so good!!

Obsession has not helped anyone, as they say "Excess of everything is bad!". So excess of friendship is also bad. It has just created problems.

And now having such days consecutively since last week, I now suddenly feel that the best way to keep myself away from all this is getting busy. Getting busy with loads of stuff. I am missing school!

36 days more to go!